Friday, September 19, 2008


AIG is finally out of the woods from now after the Federal Reserve pumped in $85 bil bridge loan to alleviate the liquidity pressure in the company. As an employee of AIG, I do have strong faith in the company and I believe that AIG could pull through this difficult times despite the market sentiments and global economic meltdown.
AIG will need some time to dispose off some of it's cash cow companies to repay it's debt within 2 years from now. Our CEO Brad Bennet has given his assurance that our insurance business will continue as usual and we have enough capacity to settle claims within Malaysia. This is because AIG's reserves in Malaysia is governed and controlled by BNM. Based on our paid up capital, we have the financial strength to accept risk and honour claims.Our New Chairman Edward Liddy, formerly from Allstate, has also given his assurance that the company will continue it's operation over 130 countries worldwide. I urge all employees of AIG to have faith in the company. We need to develop the trust and confidence among policy holders that the company is rock solid and too big to fail. The $85 bil bridge loan is merely 8% of our 1 trillion assets. We will survive this global economic upheaval and we will be getting up from our knees stronger than before! Just remember that "In the ash of defeat, burns the greatest fire of accomplishment" - quoted by unknown person.

"I am naturally an optimistic person and I believe we will get through this crisis..." - Edward Liddy, new Chairman and CEO of AIG.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Here are some of the photos taken during our Fast Start trip with the Agents to Swiss Garden Resort, Kuantan.

Our CEO, Brad Bennet with his opening speech

The memento presented to me for my first half achievement

Bet you'll be spellbound by the dancers

Here are the pom-pom girls...


We are the champion!X2 No time for loosers coz we are the champion!

Tug of war....Hmm, I wonder what was the Agent doing with the pom-pom....??

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


The 3 sexy dancers, namely Ice, Susan and Jonee in their bollywood dance...
Trust me, the dancers were really hot!This video clip is probably less than a minute because I rather see them live in action ;)
The dancers joined us on the dance floor later that night.

This video was taken using my nokia handphone. In this video, you could see my lady boss dancing and enjoying herself during the trip to Pangkor Island Beach Resort. Who's my lady boss? Make a wild guess lah. The 3 days 2 nite stay at Pangkor Island Beach Resort was really fun. This trip is mainly for all the A&H Elite Club qualifiers ie abt 60 Agents altogether. Places with beautiful beaches is always my favourite travel spot. I love swimming in the pool but not the beach, maybe because of the jelly fish. Guess what? I didn't snap any pictures this time, maybe because our travel event organizer is doing the camera job and I just sit back, unwind myself throughout the trip. We had our recognition nite on the 2nd day of the trip. The theme of the nite is "Bollywood" nite. Why Bollywood? I really do know...Among the performances during the nite were the Limbo Rock, Snake charmer show, 3 beautiful and sexy lady dancers, and singing competition. As for the singing competition, my lady boss put a prank on me by registering my name without informing me about it and I was called on stage to sing a song. Anyway, I've wittingly invited my lady boss to sing along with me on a duet number by Lionel Ritchie "Endless Love"...prank her back!Ha ha..... Will probably upload some pictures later when I've got the photos from the organizers...tbc!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I wonder if you have heard of this illusionist by the name of Chriss Angel. He is one of the most amazing illusionist I've ever seen. The video which you are about to watch is really mind boggling and freaky. For those faint hearted, you are advice to watch at your own risk....It's inexplicable how he does that, especially in broad daylight. You could see more of his illusion by typing his name in You Tube.
I believe you've heard of David Blaine, Mondo Magic, David Copperfield and etc.
But check out Chriss Angel! I'm sure you'll be thrilled and fascinated by his illusion. I wonder why Astro didn't broadcast his shows...Anyway, he is truly spectacular! You may visit his website at
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