Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I am just too tired to read the newspaper nowadays, especially news with political propaganda elements. The present Govt need to realise that the rakyat are turning deaf ears to whatever calls the Govt is making to win the votes of Permatang Pauh election because the rakyat have lost confidence towards the present Govt.As you watch the TV news during the pre-election, the media always talk good about the Govt helping the rakyat and asking the rakyat not to fall prey to Anwar and vote for BN, with the motive to win the Permatang Pauh election. The rakyat are not concern whether Anwar has committed sodomy or whether Anwar has a hidden political agenda, but the rakyat are just too tired to listen to the Govt hypocracy calls on Anti-corruption and self-denial in their capability in running the country and therefore the rakyat have no choice but to opt for alternatives which benefited PKR by default. During the pre-election period, it is apparent how BN manipulated the media to influence the rakyat by showing Shaiful repeatedly swearing over the quran, and a few days later, the DPM also swore (without the quran) to deny his involvement in the Mongolian murder case. Dear fellow convicts, you can start swearing now to prove innocence and appeal for release from the solitary confinement.
The DPM also made an intimidating statement to withdraw fuel subsidy if the rakyat is not happy with the revised fuel price. Is he trying to use the media to threaten the rakyat? He must be out of his mind.
The Govt must acknowledge the fact that the rakyat are fed up with the way the Govt runs the country. The rakyat are looking forward for a change of Govt this time because the present Govt is not capable in managing the economy as compared to the pre-decessor. The rakyat does not give much credence to the Govt's promises. Time has change. People are more educated and knowledgeable now because information and news could easily be obtained from the internet. As people becomes more knowledgeable, they become more mature in distinguishing right from wrong. This is also guided by our human instinct in navigating us towards the truth. Whether or not the person swears over the quran does not induce the rakyat to perceive the truth. Let's all pray for Anwar. Let the truth prevail!! The silence must be broken before it breaks!


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