Thursday, May 03, 2007


Here are 12 ways to stay on top of stress:

1. Exercise. Amen for endorphins. Believe me, they've helped me many days with my perspective. If you have to work out, then go take a brisk walk and get that blood flowing. It isn't about working out to lose weight -- it's about being healthy and staying sane.

2. Eat the real stuff. Crappy food (fast, processed, and loaded with sugar) doesn't help your chemical brain and body handle stress. Living food, real food, helps support your mind and body while it's trying to deal with the million things coming its way. Every time I reach for the chocolate, I'm looking to feel something from it. Don't get me wrong -- if it's just a little here and there because I enjoy the taste of it, great. But if I'm using it the minute I feel overwhelmed, then that's when that food is no longer OK to eat. It doesn't make the problem go away, and then I just feel bad about eating the food to pacify myself. Grab green food instead. Put things in your mouth that are going to support your immune function and keep you levelheaded.

3.Notice. Try not to let the stress overtake you. Recognize the situations that cause the stress and notice them coming your way. You have a better shot at fending off the full effects of the stress when you can anticipate it.

4.Get it off your chest. Talk to a friend or partner about the stress. Sometimes just getting it off your chest can help unload some of the burden.

5.Keep your sense of humor. If you do have the chance to talk about it, try to see the irony and humor in the wacky bits. I think someone is dead in the water once they lose their sense of humor.

6.Stay grateful."Oh, I don't feel like going to the gym." Well, Amen that you have the means and the health to even be able to wrestle with the idea of going to work out. Make a habit of saying thank you. You will notice the sunny spots a lot more often, and not just the gray skies and storms.

7.Ask, "What's the hurry?" Have some fun. We're always so busy going somewhere, we miss just enjoying the moment. If an opportunity comes your way to do something fun, take it.

8.Take a deep breath. When you feel the stress getting to you, take a moment. Get away, even if it's just for an hour, to be with yourself and your thoughts. Some people like to take a walk, meditate, lock themselves away in a beautiful bath, or go to church. Find the peace and the silence.

9.Keep it simple. Simplify where you can. Does Junior really need to be in 78 activities at the age of 5? Do you have to go to every little party or gathering you're invited to?

10.Turn of the TV. A lot of it is bad news anyway, and it robs us of hours that we could use to be getting other things done. Since everyone complains that they have no time, get some by unplugging from the tube.

11.Sleep. If you're rested, you have a better shot at handling things. Not to mention, you may not stress out as easily if you have a chance to recover at night.

12.Drink water. Americans consume 21 percent of their calories through liquid consumption. Hydrate with water. Help you entire system function better just by drinking enough water. Oh, and by the way, if you don't think that weight loss and proper hydration have a relationship, think again. Shift the paradigm on its side -- don't think about exercise and nutritional eating just as something you have to suffer through to get into those jeans. Instead, think of them as armor that will protect you in this crazy world, with all of the bazillion details you deal with every day.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Hi my name is Wolby! I am a mini pinscher and I'm 4 months old. My owner was Ms Agnes Chong. As I was staying with Agnes in a condominium, I do not have much room to run around. To alleviate my claustrophobic syndrome, Agnes gave me away to Mr Jason on the 27/4/07 and I was brought back to Jason's hometown in Malacca. At first, I felt so relieve when I first saw the compound outside the house but upon reaching the doorstep, I was not given a warm reception by Jason's mum. So, Jason has no avenue but to give me away to one of his relative who is a dog lover as well. Only GOD knows what happen after that. Jason, pls visit me with a bone or two whenever you are free!:P


This is the Korean singer (U Nee) whose identity was mistaken for the Mongolian girl (Altantuya) who was brutally murdered and blasted into pieces by a notable personage in Malaysia last year. Unfortunately, they both share the same faith as their life were shortlived. Last year, the Korean singer committed suicide by hanging herself due to depression. Sad but true...what a waste rite. If you want to know more about U;Nee from womb to tomb, go to;Nee
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